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3 Day Digital Media & Marketing Workshop [Bootcamp]

  • Thursday, 13 June 2019
  • Author: Linda Chivell | Jeanette du Toit
  • Page Views: 1934

Our 3 day Media Marketing Bootcamp will teach you the importance of Digital and Social media marketing.

You will learn from experts on how to use the power of Digital Marketing to increase and monitor your ROI

This workshop is geared towards Marketing Managers, Business Owners, Web Designers and anyone who would like to further their career in digital or social media marketing.

Digital Marketing

You will learn from experts on how to use the power of Digital Marketing to increase, measure and monitor your ROI. [Return on Inverstment]

Our Digital Media Marketing course [workshop] is split up in to 3 days to give enough time to absorb the fundamentals of online web presence and digital media marketing.

You will receive a Certificate


What will you learn in this Complete Step by Digital Media and Step Social Media Marketing  Workshop?

We will give you our 10 Point tested online marketing and Digital Media Strategy and work with you in this hands-on workshop.

  1. Identify your company and Your objectives and goals for 2019 and beyond
  2. Identify your customers and how to reach them
  3. SEO - Search Engine Optimisation + Keyword research (Tips and Trends) for your website
  4. SEM - Optimisation of your social media business accounts (Tips and Trends)
  5. Content Marketing  
  6. Social Media Marketing 
  7. Web Development & Design (Tips and Trends) to be relevant in 2019 and beyond 
  8. E-Mail | Newsletter Marketing (tips and Trends)
  9. Decide the roles of your digital marketing team
  10. Analytics and Measurement - Measure your posts and website

strategie cut


  • Social media overview, statistics, and trends
  • How to Find and Build Your Online Audience
  • How to Setup and drive your Goals + Understanding of SEO
  • Social Media Networks for Business (Step by Step Workshop)
    • Effective Ways To Increase Your Social Media Traffic, Conversions and Engagements
    • Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest - Instagram – Youtube
      (Etiquette | Hashtag Marketing | Overview | Best Practice | Checklists | Measurement)
    • Google for Business
    • Design your own Social Media and Online Marketing adverts (Step-by-step)
  • Content Writing | Blogging & marketing
    • Best practice for Blogging | Articles | Postings | Tweet
    • E-Newsletter Marketing + Database building
    • Mail Chimp Newsletter Marketing (Step-by-Step)
  • Scheduling | Measuring social media and ROI (return on investment)
  • Getting started successfully
  • You will receive a Certificate

BONUS - Facebook Marketing:

What can brands do to succeed on Facebook after the 201 Algorithm change

  • 10 point checklist to optimise and your Facebook business page to grow your followers
  • The Facebook Algorithm - We explain how the Facebook algorithm pre-filters content that users see in their news feeds.  NFO
  • Facebook Tips & Tricks on how to grow your business in 2018
  • Facebook Marketing: Why It Is Time to Rethink Everything & How To Do It

Presenter:    Jeanette du Toit:  Owner - IT SPECIALIST - Operator:  Jaydee Media | Hermanus Online / South Africa Tourism Online

Running a business you can be proud of requires enormous focus, courage and tenacity. Most of all, it requires consistent action and a willingness to play the long game.


Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and feed him for a lifetime. That’s why our primary goal is to train you to think, behave and make smart decisions like an entrepreneur — so you have skills that serve you for life.


  • Certificate
  • 10 Point Checklist on HOW TO GROW your FACEBOOK PAGE step-by-step
  • Digital Media and Marketing Workbook 

jaydee media strip grey

Author:  Jeanette Du Toit [Founder & owner of Jaydee Media]

jeanetteAn IT (Information Technology) Professional with various skills and experience.
Google certified Digital Media Marketer.
An Experienced Web Developer, Web Designer, SEO [Search Engine Optimazation] specialist, Google Adwords + PPC; Digital marketing expert, Lead generation expert and Social Media specialist.