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What to Blog About? Here are 26 Great Blog Post Ideas to Engage with Your Readers

What to Blog About? Here are 26 Great Blog Post Ideas to Engage with Your Readers
  • Friday, 15 November 2019
  • Author: Jeanette Du Toit
  • Page Views: 8045

A couple of tips on how to engage with your readers.

Coming up with the best blog post ideas that’ll bring the right kind of readers to your blog is a challenge many bloggers, marketers and website owners face. But landing on the right blog post ideas doesn’t need to be so difficult.

You start thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. What should you write? Where should you start? What would people be interested in?

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to come up with your best blog post ideas that’ll actually bring more of your target readers (or customers), then you’re in the right place.

Thinking up unique blog post ideas can seem like a struggle, especially when it feels like blogs have covered just about every topic under the sun.

Blogging remains one of the most powerful ways to connect with your audience and drive them to action today—making the blog post ideas you choose to pursue (and spend your limited time & financial resources on), extremely important.

Research shows that companies who choose to learn how to start a blog and actively produce quality content get 67% more leads than those that don’t publish content & act on their team’s blog post ideas.

Best Blog Post Ideas That’ll Drive Massive Traffic in 2020

How to start a Blog j5bynb


#1 Create your own bucket list

What do you want to do before you settle down and have a family, before you retire, or before you die?  A bucket list contains all the things you want to do before you “kick the bucket” as it were.  Put one together and post it.  Another tip: Every time you cross something off the list, post again and tell us how it went.  

#2 A Method for How to Do Something

It’s not enough to write about someone else’s experience. Your readers want to know about your experience.
Run your own test.  From breaking down a new method for starting a blog to how to build a better mousetrap, the possibilities are endless.

#3 Write about your latest travel experience.

Where have you been lately? What did you learn from the experience? Share your travel tips!  Write a whole series.

#4 Take a “how-to” topic and create a series of blog posts.

What do people in your niche most need to know? Break it down into a series of blog posts that explain each stage of the journey. Like: Top 10, Best 5

#5 Create content around your most successful keywords.

What keywords bring your blog the most organic / search traffic? Create more content using your top keywords, or use a tool like Keywords Everywhere to find similar keywords to capitalize on.

#6 Share what tools, software, or products you use.

What tools do you use for your business or creative projects? Can you recommend some great software or apps? What products do you absolutely love?

# 7 Create a contest or giveaway.

Maybe a competition, or a poll?  Reward your readers for engaging with your website or blog in some way.

#8 A Creative Recipe - How to cook/bake Something

Use the same format you would if you were sharing a cooking recipe. Provide the ingredients and the steps to follow from start to finish.

#9 Great Tips for Finding a Job You’ll Love

Your readers want to find a job they’ll love.
Tell them what they need to know. Give them ideas and places to look.
They might be fresh out of college, or maybe they’re changing careers.

#10 Financial Advice

Financial advice is a popular blog topic. The World Economic Forum found the average adult will outlive their savings by approximately a decade.
You can be general or you can narrow your audience (freelancers, blog owners, etc.). Give tips for wise spending and saving.

#11 Recommended Books, videos, music and or Podcast to your readers

Recommendation posts are popular when your suggestions are lesser-known. The internet has too many of these posts with common recommendations.
Your post can stand out when you offer a mix of known and uncommon suggestions.

#12 Inspirational Quotes Around One Theme

Quotes can be a useful way of giving readers a deeper appreciation for the theme. These posts are meant to inspire your readers and give them a confidence boost. You can also use them to motivate readers into taking a specific action.

#13 Series of Posts About One Blog Topic

This is different from other ideas. It’s not just one post but rather a collection of at least three blog topics.  Like in travel you can write for example the Top 10 things to do.

#14 Describe Your Favorite Holiday destination

Include visuals, like your photos.  Is it somewhere peaceful, such as the beach, or somewhere isolated, such as the woods? Do you prefer indoors?
Share a photo of your favorite places, restaurants, activities and or hotel.

#15 How Something We Use Every Day is Made

Example:  how were shoelaces made? who's idea was it? where did the idea come from? It can be educational in an actionable way where people can take your advice and do the task themselves. Or it can be something interesting but feeds curiosity instead of creating action.

#16 Your Business / Industry / Product Success Secrets

What industry, career, or personal success stories can you share? What worked for you that might be new or uncommon?

#17 What Happened That Day in History

What happened on July 4th, 1776? It’s Independence Day in the USA. What about a European event, such as D-Day?
When you know you’re posting on a specific day, research historical events you can mention and explain.   Or start a blog with 50 / 100 years ago on this day....

#18 Your Favorite Historical Event and Why

The Anglo Boer War made a big impact on the country. 
What event or series of events can you write about with enthusiasm? Pick one you know well and feel passionate about it. This passion can show in your writing.

#19 Identify What Makes Your Business, Products, or Blog Unique

What would you say if an investor asked why they should care? What do you offer that others don’t?  What is your WOW factor?

#20 Create an “Ultimate Guide” blog post and turn it into an E-book

What do people in your niche want to know? Do some research, and write “The Ultimate Guide” to make it easy for them to learn more!

#21 Create a “Beginner’s Guide to…” 

What do beginners most need to know in your niche? Write a guide to help them take it one step at a time.

#22 Self-Improvement / Inspiring / health Tips

People are always looking for ways to improve themselves.
Write about careers, relationships, or health. Give different or more comprehensive tips. Be unique or unusual to stand out.

#23 Feature a Massive Collection of Something

Do you have a coin or stamp collection?  Or do you have a collection of something unusual?
Take a few pictures and explain your collection. Why did you start collecting them? How did you find each item? Do you have any plans for what you’ll do with them?

#24 Explain New Industry Trends

What industry successes can you share? Trends can exist already, or you can create your own based on experience.  The importance here is to demonstrate how the trends can help your readers. You can test the techniques yourself, or use examples from others you find.

#25 Be Relevant - Current Events in the Nation or World

Consider what’s going on around the world at the time you’re thinking about your next blog post. Is there anything problematic or upsetting you can write about, such as war, elections, world firsts, etc
These events can be controversial at times, but it’s good to bring awareness to them with your readers nonetheless.

#26 Recap / Summarise a Recent Event You Attended

Did you recently attend a conference? A concert? Training? A Festival? A breakfast and o business lunch in travel
Write about how it went. Explain what went well and what could’ve been better. Include both the information and any emotions you felt along the way. Provide any takeaways you have now as lessons learned and applicable knowledge.




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Author:  Jeanette Du Toit [Founder & owner of Jaydee Media]

jeanetteAn IT (Information Technology) Professional with various skills and experience.
Google certified Digital Media Marketer.
An Experienced Web Developer, Web Designer, SEO [Search Engine Optimazation] specialist, Google Adwords + PPC; Digital marketing expert, Lead generation expert and Social Media specialist.