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How and why to Create a High-Converting Call-to-Action Button, the Best Practices

  • Sunday, 15 March 2020
  • Author: Jeanette Du Toit
  • Page Views: 4655


What is a call to action on a website?

A call to action (CTA) is a prompt on a website that tells the user to take some specified action. A call to action is typically written as a command or action phrase, such as 'Sign Up' or 'Buy Now' or 'Book Now' or  'Learn More' and generally takes the form of a button or hyperlink.

Why Is A Call To Action Important?

The call to action is a key element on a webpage, acting as a signpost that lets the user know what to do next. Without a clear CTA, the user may not know the next steps to take to purchase a product or sign up for a newsletter and is likely to leave the site without accomplishing their task.

A call to action makes it clear to potential customers which action to take next and helps remove friction in moving the user down the sales funnel. There can also be multiple calls to action on a page if there are multiple desired actions for the user to take.

For example, if a reader lands on a blog article and there is no clear call to action at the bottom of the post, it is likely that the reader will leave the site without completing any other tasks. However, if there is a CTA at the bottom of the post asking them to read more articles or to sign-up for an e-mail newsletter, that can encourage them to continue interacting with the site.

What Is a Call to Action in Marketing?

In marketing, your call to action is the part of your advertisement that tells your target audience what they should be doing once they click on your PPC ad and hit your website or landing page. The simplest example of a call to action is "Buy now!

cta call to action banner 850

First let us ask a couple of questions

  • How many leads have you received this week via your website?
  • Based on the number of visitors to your website landing page, how many leads should you have received this week?

Your business spends time, resources and capital to attract leads/visitors to your website.

Spent is what it is and how you feel.

You look at your google analytics [goals] and or stats and see visitors do click the ads.

However, when they get to your website landing page they just leave unexpectedly and without a trace.

  • No email for you to send a drip campaign to.
  • No phone number for you to have a follow-up call.
  • Fortunately, there is one simple fix that you can use to get more leads from the same amount of site visitors.
  • It all involves thinking one step beyond the default settings.

The Problem: Your Call-to-Action Button Inspires No Action

The call-to-action button is the most important button on your website landing page. Yet, many businesses completely overlook their call to action.

They leave their call-to-action button as the default word: Submit. Submit is the worst of all words when it comes to a call-to-action button:

  • It doesn’t get users excited by letting them know what they get by clicking the call-to-action button
  • It doesn’t put users’ minds at ease by addressing and overcoming objections to clicking the call-to-action button.

The Solution:  Replace the Default Call To Action Button With a CTA text to suit your "Call to Action"

The solution is to change the default Submit button on your landing page.
Remove the Submit button and replace it with a create clear, concise and compelling call-to-action button that gets users to convert

All you have to do is:

  • Delete your current Submit call-to-action button.
  • Replace it with a new call-to-action button by modeling known best practices.
  • Track the data. Discover what call-to-action buttons get the most conversion and deliver you real-world business results.

Here are a couple of great "Call To Action" writing examples:

'Sign Up' or 'Buy Now' or 'Book Now' or 'Learn More' or 'Shop Now' or 'Discover' or 'Start' or 'Watch'

CTA button contrasting colors


Curated Content + text

SEJ - How to Create a High-Converting Call-to-Action Button

Wordstream Blogs

SEO Optimizely






jaydee media strip grey

Author:  Jeanette Du Toit [Founder & owner of Jaydee Media]

jeanetteAn IT (Information Technology) Professional with various skills and experience.
Google certified Digital Media Marketer.
An Experienced Web Developer, Web Designer, SEO [Search Engine Optimazation] specialist, Google Adwords + PPC; Digital marketing expert, Lead generation expert and Social Media specialist.