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How the Corona virus is changing our conversation in Social Media

How the Corona virus is changing our conversation in Social Media
  • Wednesday, 18 March 2020
  • Author: Linda
  • Page Views: 4829

Change is imminent, we know that. Yet when it happens, and especially when it’s an abrupt change, it can sometimes find us off guard.

You may think that Coronavirus (or COVID-19 to be more precise) is the worst change we’re experiencing in years, and you would be right. People all over the globe struggle and feel hopeless.

Employees all over the world wondering if they’ll still have a job tomorrow, individuals struggling to keep their sanity.

But let’s address a concern that’s on everyone’s mind, besides the terrible health issues, losses of human lives and chaos this virus has created.

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We need to find ways to cope with whatever comes next.

What comes next for small and medium businesses though?

What comes next for their employees?

What comes next for their clients?

Changing times call for changing marketing strategies

In times of crisis, companies must rethink their strategies in order to keep their heads above the water and continue their growth against all struggles, chaos, and fear. Managers need to become good leaders, forerunners and make wise decisions when it comes to their organization and even when it comes to their marketing strategies.

Can you continue with the same strategy you thought would be successful at the beginning of this year? The short answer most likely is ‘no’.

The question is: can you talk to a person who’s been through a tough, life-threatening situation, the same way as before? Should you act as if nothing has happened, or should you adapt to the new situation?

You should definitely adapt to the new situation. How? Change your marketing strategy.

You may want to pull back on heavy ads focused on conversion and adjust your messaging for these uncertain times while trying to think about how your consumers will behave. Invest in brand affinity and be aware that this is something that takes time.

Why does brand affinity help?

Brand affinity is powerful because it basically, ensures that buyers remain emotionally invested in a company because they believe it shares their personal values.  And this, in turn, keeps them committed for the long term. Even in times of crisis like now.

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Strategies for business in the Covid-19 age

Businesses around the world may experience different situations due to this virus that keeps us all captive in our houses. Some may be affected negatively, some mildly affected and may struggle on some levels, and there will also be those that are ‘positively’ affected if we can use this term in this context.

Here are some strategies that may help your business discover the best approach in these times of crisis.

  1. Negatively affected businesses

If your business is in a bad situation due to being affected by the Covid-19, most probably you are thinking of shutting everything down altogether. And it’s totally understandable.

However, consider the following: you can still opt to stay in touch with your customers (audience), show them you care regardless of the heavy situation you’re going through, educate them towards resilience, empathy — simply stay authentic and transparent with what you are going through as a business.

How? Through social media.

Why? Because this situation will be over eventually, and you might be able to start over, but where will your customers be?

What you can do is to address things in a realistic way, try to stay positive and look forward to the future. Plan, educate, stay in touch with your customers, create (keep) trust and loyalty — keep your social presence even through this difficult time. stock exchange 4878214 1920

In the meantime, try to discover ways that might help you recover from this shutdown, reconsider, find new ways of functionality for the future. Maybe you can sell vouchers that can be redeemed once the crisis has been averted. Maybe you can switch to online while testing out different ways to deliver value.

Or maybe even your audience will inspire you to pick a direction if you stay in touch with them at least on your social platforms. Ask them how they see the future of your industry — keep open communication.

Great things can be birthed from this crisis (even if everything looks horrific at this point), we need to be able to look beyond it and find ways to make things happen.

Remember that saying: When you are going through hell, keep walking — don’t stop for a chat, keep moving until you see the light… hope.

  1. Mildly affected businesses

Hopefully, most companies will fall under this bucket. You get a hit but you bounce back.

Find the best ways you can do that — discover how others in your situation did it. Stay close to your online community, your customers, as you can easily still do that.

Digital communication will just increase from here on, which means you need to stay online and invest in the online even more than before.

Don’t abandon your customers when things get harder, they might not be there once you get back fully on track.

However, show empathy towards the negatively affected businesses, show solidarity, be there for them and express your solidarity even on social media.

So keep the positivity and be aware of what your business can learn from this.

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  1. Positively affected businesses

If you are in this situation, be grateful. Show empathy towards others who are less fortunate and find a way to help them.

Consider creating a campaign, albeit small, of helping very affected companies in any way possible — this would show genuine care and highlight the human side of your brand.

The best marketing strategy of a brand has always been and always will be human-centred marketing.

Assure your clients that business is going well, and you are there for them just like before and even more.

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The bottom line for any situation you are in, as a business, is that turning to digital is the clear path towards staying connected with customers in all industries. You need to create a solid social presence and build strong connections with your customers today more than ever.

Take care of yourselves, your loved ones, and your community. 🌱
Stay safe.

Jay Dee Media now offers social media training on a one-to-one  basis in your own workplace.  Contact Jeanette - ( Details Below)

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This shortened article was curated from Medium


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Author:  Jeanette Du Toit [Founder & owner of Jaydee Media]

jeanetteAn IT (Information Technology) Professional with various skills and experience.
Google certified Digital Media Marketer.
An Experienced Web Developer, Web Designer, SEO [Search Engine Optimazation] specialist, Google Adwords + PPC; Digital marketing expert, Lead generation expert and Social Media specialist.